mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Succede alle Fiji: telecamere per la velocità

Speed cameras to come into effect from 3rd week of this month

Fonte: Fujivillage
Publish date/time: 09/03/2013 [16:57]

Speed cameras will come into effect from the third week of this month. The Land Transport Authority has just confirmed in the last hour stating that two cameras will be used with one camera mounted at the Nabua traffic lights.

Chief Executive Officer Naisa Tuinaceva said they have looked at all avenues in ensuring that the enforcement process does not have any anomalies so that the court cases are well covered.

He said to ensure this continuous internal training have been conducted.

Tuinaceva said vehicle owners who have sold their vehicles should ensure that proper transfers are completed by then as bookings will be issued to the owner of the vehicle as these cameras will capture the number plate.

He said if there is any dispute by the owner then they are required to declare it through an appropriate statuary declaration which will take 49 days.

According to LTA within an hour the camera can capture close to 100 offenders depending on the traffic flow.

All captured images will be processed in the back office by adjudicators at LTA Valelevu where the infringements will be issued.

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